Get a PS4, Camera, The Last of Us Remastered and a free game for less than $450

Now that's a good deal!

If you have been longing for a PlayStation 4 to call your own, but have yet to come across the right deal…The deal you have been waiting for might have come – courtesy of Amazon.

What is this mythical deal that I speak of? Well, it includes a PS4, a PS Eye and two games for about $160.00 less than it all should be.

Amazon is bundling a PS4 and PS Eye for $440, right now…but two extra promotions are bringing The Last of Us Remastered and a game of your choice for free. These promotions (at least the choice of a free game) expire on January 3rd, 2015, but the deal only lasts as long as supplies do and with the Holiday season in full swing who knows how long it will be available for. 

The games that you have the choice between are as follows: Destiny, NBA 2K15, Far Cry 4, or LittleBigPlanet 3.

Now, we got our sweaty little hands on Destiny and Far Cry 4 and we saw how the internet treated LittleBigPlanet 3. Destiny is a great shoot, but it has a hard time retaining players (although the people that love it, really love it).  Far Cry 4 basically took everything that made Far Cry 3 fun and added new elements to shake things up a bit…making Far Cry 4 a fantastic successor. LittleBigPlanet 3 got pretty good scores on the web – anywhere from 7 to 8/10.

Head over to Amazon (this page) to grab your PS4, PS Eye and two games!
