Being a month away from the glory that is Bloodborne is both a blessing and a curse. I, for one, can’t wait. I need to get my bloody hands on this.
Your trusty partners in Bloodborne will be your weapons. In this IGN First video, several of these darling tools of destruction are showcased. Whatever your preference, from guns to giant a** hammers,you'll have an arsenal of weaponry to aid you.
The weapon that sticks out to me is the whip-sword. It reminds me Soulcalibur’s Ivy’s Snake Sword. You know, the weapon she uses that can swap between a short ranged stabby-stabby to a mid-ranged whip. When the Bloodborne protagonist uses it on the rats, it looks like it does work. Whips typically do garbage damage in the ‘Souls’ series except to non-armored targets – like rats. Who knows!? I guess all of us in a month.
And I mean all of us.