Why we aren’t getting Amiibos in North America

Darn strikers.

California has been holding the rest of the country back from getting Amiibos (well, mainly the West Coast ports altogether). Specifically, the port laborers on strike are keeping Nintendo's Amiibos from hitting store shelves. Over the past few months, 70% of the goods that come from Asia have been affected by the labor strikes. Amiibos are made in China and, therefore, also affected by the strike. 

This strike has been going on for a while, it's really nothing new; but, the Amiibos are relatively new and hidden away in those cargo ports. These ports could be the Amiibo mecca we have been looking for — besides this glorious treasure trove hidden in Hamburg, Germany.

A translation of Nintendo's recent investor Q&A meeting revealed that Nintendo President Satoru Iwata recognizes the port strike is to blame on late/missing shipments of Amiibo and the New Nintendo 3DS XL. So why aren't games as hard to find as the Amiibo and New Nintendo 3DS XL? Because “games are light and can be flown to America”, Iwata says. Now, I'm just going to say that Amiibos are light too…

That is all.

The Q&A meeting is available in Japanese here.
