This video is a must-watch for anyone believing the #Gamergate Law & Order: SVU episode

Simply put, it wasn't accurate at all

While anti-gamergate is at least happy that the horribly, misogynistic, devil-worshipping Gamergate crowd and their message of hate is being brought to the masses via mainstream television programming, not even the 'holier than thou' sites can say that it was a good episode. It wasn't. It was terrible, full of misconceptions about the gaming community, dialogue that makes gamers look pathetic and inferior, and the worst puns you've ever heard.

"They leveled up."

Seriously? That's what you're going to go with?

This article isn't about my feelings on the episode (though I'm pretty sure I made my stance known in the first paragraph). This is about a video made by FollowTheCaptain that was sent to me by a reader. I don't normally post things emailed to me, but the following video makes some excellent points, and I thought it was important to show.

It basically takes three important points made by the Law & Order Gamergate episode (with examples from the episode included) and shows why they are false. The three points:

  1. Gamers don't welcome women.
  2. Violent games are stupid.
  3. Male gamers are losers.

Walking around a gaming convention, video is shown that helps debunk these three points. Enough of me talking. Watch the video for yourself and see that not all gamers are white, pale, male losers that hate women and can't control their anger.