Quitting or disconnecting in Mortal Kombat X will result in new Fatality

Head exploding awesome-ness

Pummeling your opponent in Mortal Kombat X will result in one of two ways: the satisfaction of a Finisher or your opponent rage quitting which is still a win, but not as satisfying. To kombat this cowardice behavior, NetherRealm Studios has added a brand new finisher to give you the satisfaction of a win.

It's called a Quitality, and it's more designed to make "the winner look better," according to NetherRealm's Derek Kirtzic, and less about punishing the leaver.

So, what exactly is a Quitality? If you quit, your head blows up and the other guy gets to watch, basking in the blood and brain splattered victory.

Oh, and by the way, Predator has been confirmed as DLC!


Check out the full hour's worth of the video stream here.

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