Daybreak Games Company has announced plans to release the third game update for PlanetSide 2's PS4 closed beta next week.
It's a big one, unlocking every continent in the game, including the new player island of Koltyr. All new characters will start here and it will be the first map to download on your PS4, meaning you'll be able to jump in and play without having to wait for the full game to download.
Koltyr serves as sort of a starting tuturial zone, designed to teach new players the mechanics of PlanetSide 2 "in a more forgiving environment." With an influx of new players being introduced to PlanetSide 2, who have possibly never played the PC version, this type of zone was desperately needed. While you'll be able to leave Koltyr at any time using the warp game or newly added world view on the map, you won't be able to return once you reach battle rank 15.
In addition to Koltyr and Esomir, three more continents will now be available to play on: Indar, Amerish, and Hossin. To help you get into the action more quickly, Daybreak has remade the respawn screen. Once the update hits, you'll be able to navigate between different regions and view all the spawn points in that region and their locations. Other changes to the map include added functionality, indicators at each zoom level, and the addition of the world map which lets you warp to each continent without having to travel to the warp.
New control layouts are also on the way, with the following changes made to the default layouts:
- Ability: L1
- Grenade: L1 + R1
- Spot: R1
- Melee: R3
- Sensitivity settings broken into separate sliders for infantry, aimed, turrets, and driver
The new update is expected to hit on Tuesday, March 24. With it, Daybreak Games has also promised a new batch of beta keys are going out "soon," so keep a close eye on your email.
In other news, Daybreak Games also announced that PlanetSide 2's PS4 closed beta for Europe will begin next week.