Steam launches massive weekend sale on SEGA games

Save nearly a $1000 with SEGA's Super Bundle

Starting today, Steam and SEGA have joined forces for a weekend of amazing discounts. Now through Monday, March 30, tons of SEGA games will be receiving discounts, with daily promotions on top of the weekend long sale.

Whild discounts can be had on individual games, the best deal by far is the SEGA Super Bundle. Featuring 93 games with a combined worth (non-sales price) of $990.01, the bunde is discounted this weekend to just $79.99. Even factoring in this weekend's sales prices, purchasing each of the game included in this bundle individually would add up to $371.45. So you're looking at a sales savings of $291.46.

The SEGA Super Bundle includes games like Aliens vs. Predator, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Binary Domain, Empire Total War, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Generations and Dawn of War II.

But if you don't feel like owning nearly every SEGA game on Steam, you can still buy a bunch of games on their own. Here is a sampling of what you can buy, and the prices they're going for.

  • Alien: Isolation – $12.49
  • The Typing of the Dead – $4.99
  • Total War Shogun 2 Collection – $12.49
  • Jet Set Radio – $2.49
  • Viking: Battle of Asgard – $7.49

You can check out the sale in its entirety right here. The sale will be running until Monday, March 30.