What to expect from next week’s Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 reveal

Our first look at Black Ops 3 coming April 26

Next Sunday, Activision will formally unveil this year’s Call of Duty title. Already confirmed to be Black Ops 3, we’ll get our first official look at the Treyarch-developed game on Sunday, April 26. But what can we expect from the world reveal?

Assuming Activision follows a similar structure as past Call of Duty titles, we’ll likely get a trailer. And from that trailer, we can expect the following:

An overall gist of the story

Black Ops 3

I don’t know why Activision continues to push the single player campaign in this franchise. But for some reason, the initial reveal always revolves around this. Expect some details that’ll make the campaign seem worthwhile, but we all know you’ll just right into multiplayer when the game releases.

A look at in-game footage…

While the trailer will likely focus on story, it’ll be comprised of actual in-game footage that shows off some of the campaign’s most intense moments. Expect explosions, slow-motion, giant set pieces, and a glimpse at any new features or gameplay mechanics Treyarch has planned.

…with a bunch of love for Xbox One

Call of Duty Xbox One

Microsoft’s love affair with Activision is no secret at this point. Just about every previous Call of Duty has offered some sort of timed exclusivity for Xbox owners and expect something similar with Black Ops 3. The trailer will probably emphasize Xbox, perhaps confirming footage captured on Xbox One, but worry not — Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 is still coming to PlayStation. You can also expect DLC to release first on Xbox One.

A release date

Although we already have an idea for Black Ops 3’s release date, but expect it to be confirmed on Sunday.

Having to wait to see multiplayer

Despite being Call of Duty’s most played mode, Activision always makes us wait to see multiplayer. Sure, we’ll see the game in action, but it’ll likely be single player only. Those of you hoping to see multiplayer will probably have to wait until at least E3 in June, possibly even longer. We didn’t even see Advanced Warfare’s multiplayer until Gamescom in August.