If your dog is shaved to look like a square, it will end up in Minecraft

Case and point.

Who says fashion ever dies because it certainly doesnt. Since December, Taiwan dog owners have felt the need to take their furry pooches and trim them up into fun shapes… Except those fun shapes leave the dogs looking like the Minecraft dog.

What is the internet to do when we come across dogs with a perfectly square head? Put them in a video game that's all about blocks.

Twitter user Jariuma knew exactly what to do when they saw this image:

block dog minecraft

There are two reasonable reponses to this image, one is to be creeped out by the exposed dog lips (so weird) and the other is to feel an unexplainable need to see the dog and its uncomfortable little mouth in Minecraft:

Minecraft Dog

The real question is, will people shave cat heads into squares?

