We use Microsoft’s How Old Robot to guess the age of video game characters

It's not pretty, I'm sure Link is younger than that.

Microsoft released today How Old Robot, a new face detection API that takes a guess at how old you are. The API takes gender and age, filters them through real time insights and shares the results in a dashboard.

When we first saw this feature we knew what to do — take random video game characters and feed the through the API and see what they said. 

We tested it out on Valve's co-founder Gabe Newell – in reality he's 52 years old, the API says that he is in fact… 59. Apperently, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade are 40 and 32 (respectively).

Let us take our journey on what age the How Old Robot thinks our heroes are:

Gabe Newell

Link, The Legend of Zelda is 33:

Link Zelda

Geralt of the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is 46:

Geralt Witcher 3

Gordon of Half Life is 36:

Gordon Half Life

The Grand Theft Auto 5 crew are in their late-thirties to mid-fourties:


Commander Shepard is 36:

Commander Shepard Mass Effect

For giggles: Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique…
