The Walking Dead Season 3 will not debut in 2015, Telltale confirms

But expect some sort of The Walking Dead content soon

Back in March, Telltale Games Director of Pr Job Stauffer hinted that we could "expect to see The Walking Dead again sooner." Many interpreted that to somehow mean the third season of Telltale's The Walking Dead game series would release in 2015. That's not true.

Yesterday, Stauffer took to Twitter to clarify the comments he made at SXSW.

"No, [The Walking Dead Season 3] is not starting in 2015. But what I am seeing this week will be, and it is insanely cool. Stay close, news soon!" 

A follow-up tweet, however, suggested that while Season 3 won't be debuting this year, something related to Telltale's The Walking Dead series will be.

If I had to guess, I would think this new content — assuming it's related to The Walking Dead — would be some sort of DLC like the 400 Days special episode we saw in 2013 that helped bridge the gap between the first and second season. Or maybe it has something to do with AMC's new spinoff show, Fear The Walking Dead.

Let the speculation begin!

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