EA announces adorable new game, Unravel

Is that a sour patch kid?

EA revealed today a brand new IP, Unravel.

In the game, you will play as Yarnie, a red thread running through other peoples' life trying to put it together. The gameplay is all physics-based, learning how to get through obstacles using the yarn you are made of.

Martin Sahlin, the Creative Director at the game's development studio Coldwood Interactive described the intention behind the creation of Unravel:

"I wanted to make something more personal, something with more impact. The game didn't have to change the world, or even try, but it had to be genuine, it had to have deeper meaning. It had to have heart."

It looks as though they hit the mark, at least in the trailer.

Not much info was released, but stay tuned to GameZone as we will have more news regarding Unravel.