Rollers rejoice over new Carbon Roller for Splatoon DLC, alongside Custom Dual Squelcher

The roller club is pleased

Whether or not you've learned to master the short-range Luna Blaster (which, by the way, looks like something out of Space Channel 5), new opportunities for strategic experiments continue with the arrival of two fresh weapons.

Later tonight at 7:00 PM PT / 10:00 PM EST, Splatoon will add the Carbon Roller and the Custom Dual Squelcher to its growing catalogue of DLC options. Incidentally, both additions cater to commonly-seen preferences in the online community.

If you're a roller user who is more partial to the Inkbrush than the heavy Gold Dynamo Roller, the new Carbon Roller will bring some excitement. It has lightweight properties, making it excel at mobility, but at the cost of a weaker defense mechanism (i.e., ink-flinging). Having Burst Bombs for sub weapons will surely make up for this, as will the Inkzooka on special duty — the first roller to feature the weapon. Looks like the Carbon Roller could help correct any silenced cravings for ranged gameplay.

Dual Squelchers have been gaining in popularity (though they're still behind rollers), making the new Custom Dual Squelcher a new force for non-users to guard against, with its load-out of Squid Beakons for sub weapons and Killer Wail on special. The standard Dual Squelcher setup features Splat Bomb and Echolocator as its sub and special weapons, respectively. So if you think you can afford to do without the valuable radar tool, having access to Squid Beakons on a non-roller weapon is an appealing prospect.

Enjoy it while you can, members of the roller club. Word on the street is there's an update coming which may negate your usual strategy (looking at you, Krak-On Splat Roller). Better make any needed adjustments before Splatfest.

[Splatoon Tumblr]