Shenmue 3 Getting More Kickstarter Goals

Series creator to discuss new goals on Twitch tonight

Shenmue 3's Kickstarter page has added three new stretch goals past the $10 million mark. After announcing just a few days ago that Shenmue 3 will need $10 million to "truly have the features of an open world", it does come as a bit of a surprise that Suzuki would approve a new set of goals.  These new goals run through the $11 million mark, and are just about as vague as the others though they do fall in line with the idea of building an open world.

Funding has slowed down considerably since achieving its initial goal in record time, hours after announcing and launching the campaign from Sony's E3 Press Conference.  The Kickstarter made it to the $3 million mark in its second day, but has yet to reach $4 million nine days later.  Granted, it's all relative, and earning over $3 million (plus what Sony is giving them) is not too shabby for a series that has been dead for over a decade. 

All three goals include the expansion of Bailu village along with some new betting games, a magic maze and Kung Fu mastery mechanics.  The Kickstarter page also indicates that Yu Suzuki himself will appear in a Twitch stream tonight at 10 PM EST/7 PM PST.  No details currently on what that channel will be, but they say that a link will appear on the official Shenmue 3 Twitter page.