Developer Criterion tweeted out a statement that will make Xbox users who are fans of the Burnout series rejoice. They are currently in discussion with Microsoft about bringing their addictive open world destructo-racing game a part of the Xbox One's Backwards Compatibility initiative.
Arguably Microsoft's biggest announcement at E3 was the introduction of Backwards Compatibility, making Xbox users understandably happy considering the saturation of full price HD re-releases for some games that are barely more than a year old. They even took a sly jab at Sony's Playstation Now program saying, "we at Microsoft won't charge you to play the games you already own", making sure that the rivalry between the two behemoths stayed alive.
Xbox Preview members can test Xbox One's backwards compatibility functions right now with games like Mass Effect, Toy Soldiers: Cold War and a Kingdom for Keflings with about 100 total games due to be ready for emulation this Holiday season.
Xbox users can also vote on the games they want to see, with Red Dead Redemption leading the charge.