One year later, P.T. still offers new discoveries

The best game that never was.

In April this year, the Silent Hills demo, P.T., was officially cancelled by Konami. Although the game was cancelled, it was still available to those that had downloaded it when it made its initial release. The demo itself had the potential to be one of the best horror games in the last 10 years, it's so good in fact, that people are still playing it a year after it was released.

Redditor Metatronicsauce jumped on a thread created by RealDeepIsRealShallo to reveal a tidbit, Lisa (the hovering fear instilling woman that haunts you in P.T.) can be in the basement where the demo begins. The only way to see her is if you back out of the room.

"I walked. I could do nothing but walk, and then I saw me walking in front of myself, but it wasn't really me. Watch out. The gap in the door… It's a separate reality. The only me is me, are you sure the only you is you?"

Now, individuals have jumped in saying that this was not an intentional jump scare, it is the result of the game loading Lisa into the gamespace so she can complete the task assigned to her; instill fear and anxiety in you by breathing over the protagonists shoulder or adding footsteps.

I would like to say it's intentional, judging by the dialogue given by the bloody brown bag (as seen above).
