Here’s Destiny: The Taken King’s first story mission

New gameplay video walks us through The Taken King's first mission: 'The Coming War'

Yesterday, Bungie took us on a tour through the Dreadnaught as part of preview livestream for Destiny: The Taken King. While the livestream focused on The Taken King's new strike, Shield Brothers, numerous YouTube personalities in the Destiny community have been given free reign to post content from the upcoming expansion.

Arekkz Gaming posted a gameplay walkthrough of The Taken King's first story mission, "The Coming War." Although no cutscenes were allowed to be recorded, Arekkz did confirm that there's a cutscene before the mission starts that kicks off The Taken King and leads you into the mission. There's also a cutscene at the end, so it's clear Bungie has taken a much more serious approach to storytelling.

Without further ado, Destiny: The Taken King's first mission:
