Twitch Plays is back with Fallout 3 and is more dysfunctional than ever

They haven't even left the vault

In February of last year, the Twitch community decided that they should play Pokemon, so, someone created a program that  took commands sent through Twitch's chat system and relayed them into a game. The 'Twitch Plays Pokemon' phenomenon quickly became the most watched game on Twitch and quickly drew a cult-like following (praise Lord Helix).

The question has been asked, 'Can Twitch Play Fallout 3' and the answer is a resounding, no – not well at least. It's been a day and the lovely folks on Twitch have yet to even leave the Vault. It's been hard for them, the stream has been filled with staring at walls, insulting other Vault go-ers and jumping on on things.

The community is well on their way of escaping the Vault, as they have obtained the knowledge of the tunnel that leads out… but are having trouble navigating there. One day we will see the light, until then, join us in staring at the walls.

Watch live video from TwitchPlaysFallouts on