Longtime Zelda developer would like female actress for Link in live-action Zelda TV show

Shigeru Miyamoto thinks cosplayers would be Link best

When casting roles for TV shows and films a lot has to be considered — especially if the show/film is based on something that already exists, like a video game or book. That being said, if The Legend of Zelda was made into a TV show… Who would play link?

If it was left up to Shigeru Miyamoto (the creator of The Legend of Zelda, Mario and more), it would have to be someone entirely new and quite possibly even someone who enjoys cosplaying as Link already. "With japanese tv drama and film they always use the same actors, so i actually think we should have someone completely new," said Miyamoto.

"This is something I never imagined, because Link is very different to how a Japanese person looks. At the Japanese Expo I attended, there were so many people in cosplay who looked very good. They would be good!"

Takashi Tezuka, the man who helped Miyamoto create a number of best-selling games (like The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros), believes that a female could play link. "This is just personally, it would be very fun and awesome if link was played by a female actress – a boyish female actress."

Historically, live-action adaptations of Peter Pan have typically featured a female actress playing the role of Peter Pan. Taking Link's design and stature into account it's hard to say what would be best. Imagining Link played by a masculine male could feel weird and a slighter framed male might work, but then Link's face might still be too masculine. An androgynous actor would be best whether it's an actor or actress.

Watch the two discuss it below!