Allison Road picks up publisher, cancels Kickstarter campaign

Sweet, I couldn't handle another horror game dying on me.

It only took one month for the Allison Road Kickstarter to start up and get cancelled by the development team at Lilith Ltd. The reason for the Kickstarter's cancellation isn't a bad one, though. The game wasn't cancelled because lack of funding, but because the Worms franchise developers, Team17, have decided to publish Allison Road.

Team17 isn't only a game developer, though they are best known for developing games — they also run an independent games label that supports other independent developers like Playtonic – the guys behind Yooka Laylee.

Allison Road is a survival horror game that is similar in nature to P.T., the Silent Hills interactive demo. The game gained an abundance of interest from the community after Silent Hills (RIP P.T. Demo) met its end from the hands of Konami. Everyone that backed Allison Road on Kickstarter will receive a refund for their donation and Lilith Ltd. will look for a source outside of Kickstarter to allow supporters to continue to be involved in the game.

Allison Road