Leaked footage for cancelled Star Wars Battlefront 3 shows off awesome aerial battles

Oh look, everything we aren't getting in the DICE Battlefront.

A couple of years ago, developer Free Radical was working on Star Wars Battlefront 3, a game that only lives on through the tears and heartbreak of fans. In 2006, LucasArts decided to cancel the project leaving us with leaked videos to remind us of the game that could have been.

Whether it's in light of the DICE's Star Wars Battlefront that is releasing this week or all of the Star Wars hype, new footage of Free Radical's Star Wars Battlefront has surfaced and it's showing off the features we have been wanting to see. There are aerial battles, man.

According to sources, the Battlefront 3 was around 75% complete when it was cancelled, saying that any rumors of it being nearly complete were "just bullsh*t." The game was said to begin with a prologue on Tatooine, Luke Skywalker's home, before moving on to Coruscant, Cato Nemoidia, Dantooine, Desolation Station, Yavin IV, Hoth and Endor.

The game would have featured placed like Cloud City, the Wookie homeworld, Mustafar and more – with some maps allowing up to 32-players.

Check out the cancelled game below.
