Darkling Room releases Halloween themed tie in for The Last Crown: Blackenrock

Everybody make a scene.

Worried about inviting a malevolent entity into your home by dicking around with a Ouija board? Concerned about giving yourself the diabeetus after gorging on the sweet, sweet nectar that is Halloween candy? Well, that’s what video games are for. No video game has ever opened a hell portal that threatened to consume existence just by someone playing it. That’s just science. 

But if you’re still feeling the urge to get into the spirit of the day, Darkling Room has released a Halloween themed tie-in to their game The Last Crown: Blackenrock, titled Midnight Horror. It’s a point and click ghost hunting adventure and the short episode is a nice hold-you-over until Blackenrock is finally polished and releases. 

"Halloween: when the veil between our world and the 'other side' is at its weakest. Witches celebrate Samhain, a Celtic festival from the old religion, conjuring the dead and communing with the spirits. Nigel Danvers, ghost-hunter, knows all about the ghosts that dwell in the darkness, he has seen plenty to convince him there are dark forces at work. So, why is Halloween so different? Something is haunting the guest rooms above the local harbour-side pub, The Bear. Who or what hides in the shadowy corners of the old Inn? What is the presence at the end of the Harbour Wall? Dusting down his old ghost-hunting gadgets, Nigel gets to work. He has one night to find out, before the veil returns to full strength, and the Halloween Horror is gone, for another year."

For $5, it’s not a bad way to kill off a slow afternoon ahead of the evening’s festivities.

last crown