Jessica Jones’ Alias comic is 50% right now

Because we all know you're at least halfway through the show already

The worst part about last night is there just weren’t enough hours in the evening to cram a proper binge of Marvel’s Jessica Jones into (though, a valiant effort was truly made). Like Daredevil before it, the direct to Netflix series carries with it the darker ramifications of what it means to be gifted in the Marvel universe. It also follows one of the best titles to come out of Marvel’s MAX effort of the early aughts, Alias. 

If you weren’t hip on the comics beat back in 2001-2004 you might have missed the source canon for who and what Jessica Jones is. The original run has long been out of print, but with the premiere of the show it has been put back into physical production as well as digital, the later of which is currently on sale. 

Comixology is having a 50% off sale on all 28 issues of Alias and its running until the 29th of this month. Once you get through devoting your weekend to devouring Krysten Ritter in all her noir and raven haired glory, send a little love at the comics and see if you can spot the panel pulls and then pick fights with all your friends about how faithful or not the series is.