Five Nights at Freddy’s The Silver Eyes novel tells a story 10 years after the events of the game

For you bookworms out there

Five Nights at Freddy's The Silver Eyes

If you just can't get enough of Scott Cawthon's indie horror surprise, Five Nights at Freddy's, or you'd like to experience a story set outside of the four initial games, you can now pick up the novel, Five Nights at Freddy's The Silver eyes.

The book focuses on Charlie returning to her hometown, 10 years after the horrible events of the game, and of course investigating yet another shut-down pizza place with her friends.

You can get the book for a mere $2.99, which is about as much as I'd spend for a book based on this franchise. You can get it here.

Fans should also get excited for the movie that is in full on production, as Gil Kenan already posted a few pictures on Instragram from the production, including this animatronic.

While there is no official date for the movie, the book, The Silver Eyes, should hopefully tide you over until then.

Also, Scott Cawthon is working on a FNAF spinoff titled Five Nights at Freddy's World, which unlike its predecessors, will be an RPG game. Hmm.