CM Punk set to debut in UFC 2 video game

It's clobberin timeeeeee!!!

CM Punk was WWE champion for 434 days but in just over 80 days he will be featured in his first UFC video game, according to an early review.

The former WWE superstar is expected to debut inside the octagon sometime in 2016 after signing an official deal with the UFC back in December 2014. 

Punk is a playable fighting character in the new game, per MMAjunkie's review, which comes as exciting news for many fans, however as always with Punk's UFC movements, others seem rather sceptical.

Some have taken to social media to express their reactions:

Not too long to wait now, EA Sports' UFC 2 video game will hit shelves during March 2016 featuring both Ronda Rousey and Connor McGregor as cover stars