Research group Superdata has compiled some data on the amount of digital game sales for January 2016. One of the interesting things is that Rise of The Tomb Raider has sold 3x more digital units on PC compared to Xbox One.
It's a slanted number, of course, for a number of reasons. First, the PC version is ONLY available digitally so of course sales are going to be higher. Second, it doesn't take total sales into account. Since we do not know the physical sales on Xbox One, they may very well be higher. Third, Fallout 4 launched on consoles the same day and impacted Tomb Raider sales as well. Overall, digital sales units continue to rise. PC and console sales saw increases of 33% and 30% respectively. Total revenue also increased 8% over the same time last year with $6.3 billion in total sales.
There were no real surprises in the top games in each division either. Call of Duty Black Ops 3, Clash of Clans and League of Legends rounded out their specific categories in consoles, mobile and MMO. We've tried to get the sales numbers for the physical version of Rise of The Tomb Raider, and we'll let you know what we hear.