Narrative-driven adventure Obduction coming this June

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Obduction, developer Cyan, Inc.’s spiritual follow-up to Myst, will release this June.

As Eurogamer reports, a recent statement from Cyan confirmed longstanding plans to launch Obduction in Q2 2016, which were laid out following the game’s successful Kickstarter campaign, albeit after a delay of the original launch window of late-2015.

Obduction raised over $1.3 million in its 2013 Kickstarter, over $200,000 more than its original goal of $1.1 million and enough to allow its first stretch goal: Oculus Rift support. According to Obduction’s FAQ, Cyan still plans to support the Rift. However, the game will remain a PC exclusive.

Have a look at Obduction’s official story description:

“This is your story now. You’ve been abducted from your cozy existence and added into an alien landscape with a stereotypical, Kansas farmhouse with a white picket fence. But the farmhouse is just the first building in a rather bizarre little town that borders the road—curious structures that beg questions rather than provide answers. And adding to the curiosity, you stumble upon a strange, kluged kiosk that reassuredly welcomes you to ‘Hunrath’.”