Artist sculpts enormous Game of Thrones tribute for House of Stark

"You know nothing... about snow, Jon Snow."

Sky Atlantic today unveiled the monolithic work of artist Simon Beck to promote the upcoming season of Game of Thrones, as he carved the House of Stark sigil into an alpine mountain.

Some people go out and buy t-shirts when they enjoy a TV show, maybe even a poster or a collector's cup, but not this guy.

Instead, Beck decided to piece together the largest Game of Thrones tribute on record. Using a hell of a lot of snow, a material befitting the Stark family's Jon Snow, Beck created something estimated to be larger than two football fields – stretching across 32.5km of land. 

To see more of the artist's tribute, check out the full video above, the photographs below, or Sky Atlantic's website.

Artist sculpts huge Game of Thrones tribute on mountain / SkyAtlantic

Artist sculpts huge Game of Thrones tribute on mountain / SkyAtlantic
