Yooka-Laylee gets an E3 2016 trailer and a delay

This is what nostalgia driven games should be.

The spiritual successor to Banjo-Kazooie from Playtonic Games officially has a new gameplay trailer and a pushed back release date. After raising roughly $3 million via Kickstarter and landing itself a publishing partner (Team 17), Yooka-Laylee will now be releasing sometime in early 2017 for the Xbox One, PS4, PC, and Wii U.

For anyone that's a fan of Banjo-Kazooie, the gameplay trailer will make you feel right at home. The game looks as though it's coming along beautifully and will more than likely feature a number of digs at Microsoft. You even get to see one of those digs in the trailer.

"You can't trust this lot… It'll probably have a car section by then"

Yeah, we all know that is in reference to the travesty that is known as Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts.