What does Project Scorpio, Xbox One S, and PS4 NEO mean for gamers?

We had a talk about it...

There's something brewing in the gaming community and some of the issues in the eye of the storm are directly related to the plans that Microsoft and Sony have revealed.

Microsoft has officially revealed a new smaller version of the Xbox One, the Xbox One S, and the upcoming Project Scorpio. With both consoles officially revealed to be more powerful than the Xbox One, some early Xbox One adopters are a bit miffed.

Not only are Xbox users a bit upset, but PlayStation owners are too. Sony has confirmed the existence of the next iteration of the PlayStation 4 console, codenamed Neo and now there are rumors of a PS4 Slim on the horizon.

The consoles that either company releases will directly affect gamers and developers. It could even change the landscape as far as how console generations are maintained and what the future holds. 

We decided to sit down during a thunderstorm with one broken mic, a somewhat empty room and ideas about what these consoles mean. In the video above you'll see Travis, Tom and Tatiana (hey that's me!) discussing the situation.