Inspired by Final Fantasy XV and Ninja Gaiden, one game developer took Unreal Engine 4 and began developing his own game. Yang Bing, a South Korean developer, has been hard at work on an action game over the past two years and it's safe to say that he's been doing some great work.
The game's main character definitely shows where Bing's inspiration came from. Bing admits that he made him look like Noctis from the upcoming Final Fantasy game, but will be changing the character's design in the future.
Currently, the game is in development for PC and was created using a number of assets from the Unreal Engine store, mostly because he's just one guy working on the game. Bing isn't against taking his game to Kickstarter, but says that would be too much responsibility for him at the moment.
[Unreal Engine forums, Bing's Facebook, Twitter]