Towards the end of last month, we saw Call of Duty 2 head to the Xbox One courtesy of the backward compatibility feature. Microsoft is kicking off September's backward compatibility announcements with much less luster.
Xbox One owners can look forward to Bejeweled 3, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, and Gatling Gears making the leap to the Xbox One's library of games.
Bejeweled 3 was released in 2010 as a downloadable puzzle title, with four new gameplay modes and four returning modes from Bejeweled 2, as well as 65 new badges to achieve in-game. The action RPG DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue hit the Xbox Live Arcade in 2010 as well, and most mostly positive reviews. Last but not least, Gatling Guns – a 2011 Xbox Live Arcade game – was met with mostly positive reviews… if you like twin-stick shooters.