Battleborn is struggling to keep up its player base on PC

The game has not cracked 1,000 concurrent players since the middle of August

Battleborn is a game that deserves better than it has gotten. It has fallen victim to poor timing, advertising, and an inaccurate comparison to Overwatch by virtue of the previous two points and the general public's inclination to not do any actual research. As a result, Battleborn has had the nearly impossible task of maintaining its player base. To be fair, the game is lacking in certain areas, namely the game's single player mode, but MP was never questioned as its focus, and Battleborn certainly excels in that area. 

SteamDB tracks data for concurrent players across all of its games, and the numbers on Battleborn are…not pretty. Here's the chart for the last month:

Battleborn is struggling to keep up its player base on PC

The game has not cracked 1,000 concurrent Steam users since August 10th…a whole month. Just for comparison's sake, here's what the numbers look like since Battleborn's launch.

Battleborn is struggling to keep up its player base on PC

That's a pretty deep spike. This most certainly isn't what Developer Gearbox and Publisher 2K were expecting for Battleborn. They have said recently that despite the game's performance, that Battleborn will continue to be supported, but IMO the numbers don't seem to suggest that they will keep it up for too long. Reddit users who play the PC version, also confirm long wait times and low player numbers.

Console users appear to be very up and down. Some Xbox One players reported no issues as of 3 months ago, but PS4 users say it can be very hit or miss.

Have you had any problems getting into a match on Battleborn, or given up on the game entirely? Let us know in the comments.

Sources: SteamDB, reddit