Fans remake Crash in Unreal engine 4 and it’s a match made in heaven

Talk about raising the bar...

When Sony announced that Crash Bandicoot was being remastered for PlayStation 4 at this year's E3 press conference,  most people were happy to wait around for it… but one group of fans decided to jump right in and remake it themselves!

It all started on a small scale with the team's original plan to just create one or two levels, but now 'Crash Bandicoot: Time Twister' has slowly become something much more than that. 

Posting on their website, the developer said: "This project is a fan made remaster of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped console game that created from scratch." 

"Our main purpose is showing off our skills, and using this project as a reference for our future career."

Crash Time Twister, as seen in the gameplay video above, was a project started in 2015 and developed by Anisotropic.

Many people have wondered whether or not the group of developers would pursue their goal of creating a full game, especially following Sony's announcement at the E3 trade fair. 

Well, in response to that, Anisotropic wrote in a YouTube comment: "We won't stop development of our project, we're mostly targeting PC platform right now as releasing game free, and that makes some sense to continue it."

"Plus, we put too much effort on that game, we really don't want to abandon it at this state."

There is currently a demo version available to download and an announcement surrounding an upcoming beta has been revealed too. If you would like to check that out, click here to watch the video, with more details in the description. 

Sources: [1, 2, 3]