Nintendo says we won’t be learning much more about the Nintendo Switch this year

We are going to be waiting a while.

Nintendo may not be talking about the Nintendo Switch for the rest of the year

This morning we got the official reveal of Nintendo's new console, the Nintendo Switch which was previously refered to as the NX. The reveal confirmed rumors that it was a console that you could play on your TV as well as take on the go as a tablet-like device and play AAA games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on an airplane or a bus! Other than that and a list of developers supporting the console, we don't know much about it. The specs, games line-up, battery life on the tablet portion, price, and more remain a complete mystery.

The console is just roughly five months away from its March 2017 release, but it doesn't sound like Nintendo is quite ready to dish out lots of info on the console. Nintendo spoke with someone from Wall Street Journal and confirmed they won't be talking much more about the console until 2017. Which means Nintendo will have a maximum of roughly 3 months to market the system and give us as many details as they can before release.

To add to the mystery, Bethesda isn't confirming whether or not Skyrim is coming to the Nintendo Switch even though it was shown in the reveal trailer for the new system.

Are you annoyed that Nintendo will be keeping their mouths shut for the most part about the console until 2017 or do you think this is a smart way to build mystery and hype for the console? Let us know in the comments below.

The Nintendo Switch will release in March 2017.