[Watch] Get a closer look at Star Wars: Rogue One’s main character, Jyn Erso, in the latest featurette

An inside look at Rogue One's protagonist Jyn Erso and her actor Felicity Jones

Lucasfilm has been releasing a number of featurettes to ramp up for Star Wars Rogue One. Last time, we saw a video describing the new alien races in the movie and how they were made. This time, we get to meet Jyn Erso.

In this video, actor Felicity Jones describes how her character needed to be relatable to the audience as a character who fell into a role as opposed to a destined hero. "With Jyn, Gareth and I both felt that it was very important that we found her humanity and her vulnerability. Everyone should relate to her," Jones says.

For those unaware from the trailers, Jyn Erso is the daughter of the architect of the Death Star. This places Jyn in a position where she feels compelled to stop his plans from being conceived, while also battling internally with the fact that her father is responsible for the eventual construction of a weapon of mass destruction.