Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers on the Nintendo Switch will feature a first-person mode on top of its already classic fighting game style. Have you ever wanted to be Ryu and fire off Hadokens at your foes? Of course you have.
Utilizing the Joy-Con, these moves, along with other classic Ryu moves, can be pulled off in a mode called "Way of the Hado". Throwing your hands out in the shape of a Hadoken shoots the fireball out towards enemies. Uppercut motions execute the Shoryuken while swiping both hands laterally executes the unpronounceable Tatsumaki Senpukyaku. Players are rewarded for clear times and combos.
As said before, the main game itself is a 2D sprite-based game just like Street Fighter II but Way of the Hado is 3D, using the assets from Street Fighter IV. It's unclear if this mode will be any deeper than the video below, but as is, it still looks fun just to be Ryu. The new mode is featured at 2:56:45