[Watch] Paradox Interactive’s latest game, Steel Division: Normandy 44, gets a new in-engine trailer

Looking good

Last month it was revealed that strategy giant Paradox Interactive was teaming up with Eugen System to developer yet another massive World War II strategy game and their latest trailer shows what kind of strategy game fans of the franchise can expect.

The trailer, which released last month, didn't spill too many beans on what players could expect from upcoming Steel Division: Normandy 44, neither did the very closed beta they hosted sometime after the announcement trailer. However, a brand new in-engine trailer has filled us in on the missing details.

It seems like Paradox Interactive and Eugene Systems are making something really beautiful with Steel Division: Normandy 44; the game looks like the lovechild of Hearts of Iron and Wargames. Though that shouldn't be too surprising, considering Paradox Interactive owns and has developed four Hearts of Iron games while Eugene Systems developed the Wargame franchise, but nonetheless, it looks beautiful.

The trailer shows off the how Steel Division: Normandy 44 can both be an up close and personal kind of real-time strategy game where every unit becomes an individual as well as a broad overhead view where everything is just numbers on a screen, allowing for both fine tactical adjustments and grand strategical planning.

Something of a highlight in the trail was actually that none of the models clipped through each other, no tanks clipping through infantry or AT guns clipping through tanks or walls. It's nice to see that for a change.

Steel Division: Normandy 44 has no set release date yet but is expected to release on PC sometime during 2017.