Teen fatally stabbed in New York internet cafe during brawl over computer

All just to play League of Legends.

We have seen plenty stories of deaths and violent outbursts that have occurred in internet cafes, but the latest one come from New York City. A 19-year-old was stabbed to death his past Wednesday night during a brawl in an internet cafe in Queens. 

51-year-old Paul Kim engaged in a brawl with a group of teenagers which lead to the fatal stabbing of 19-year-old Yangpu Fan. The internet cafe's manager, Paul Chen, revealed that Kim had been basically living there "24 hours a day, playing games. He’d step out for some food sometimes, but he’d leave his stuff at his seat. It was always the same seat.” Chen detailed Kim as “very polite" and noted that he always paid the hourly fee to use the computer.

It was Kim's seat that incited the brawl. A group of teens walking into the cafe and asked Kim to move from his regular seat so they could play League of Legends. Kim refused to move, so the teens began punching him in the head.

Kim responded to being hit by pulling a hammer out and yelling “You’re going to die!” The teens scrambled out, only to return with more teens in tow, including the now deceased Yangpu Fan.

The teens once again asked Kim to move, he refused. A fight broke out between the teens and Kim, which lead to Kim being thrown over a computer terminal. Kim then pulled a knife out and stabbed Fan in the stomach, Fan died hours later at a hospital.

Instead of running away after stabbing the teen, Kim "sat at the computer and stayed there, playing a game on the Internet, until the police came,” according to the cafe manager. 

Kim has been charged with manslaughter and possession of a weapon.


Thanks for the tip, Brad!