[Watch] Sonic the Hedgehog Had a Skateboarding Game That Never Came Out

It's less Sonic Riders, More Tony Hawk.

As reported by Unseen64, the popular show on the Did You Know Gaming YouTube channel, Sonic the Hedgehog had a game that put Sonic and friends on skateboards doing tricks and flips. It was to be called Sonic Extreme.

The game was set to launch on the original Xbox and while it was a prototype, it was pretty far into development and seemingly completely playable. According to the video below, developers Visionscape had a deal with Sega to make the title, but when they sent it to the Sega, the publisher went completely silent.

Years later, Sonic Riders launched and had many similarities, but Visionscape ultimately couldn't take any legal action against them.

While the prototype was far into development, there is only one copy of the game known to exist.