PSA: Beware! Friday the 13th: The Game’s servers are a total mess right now

The team is hard at work to fix it.

Friday the 13th: The Game finally launched today after a couple years of waiting and several delays. Many fans of the iconic movie franchise and gamers alike were excited to get their hands on the game and fill the shoes of the classic horror film villain, Jason Vorhees. Sadly, a majority of those fans are going to have to wait a bit longer.

As of May 26th, the game's servers are in total shambles meaning players can only access the game's menus and that's it. When you search for a game, all you can do is watch a "Search for sessions" message with a timer next to it telling you how long you've been waiting. I waited 20 minutes for a match and then my controller died for a second, canceling my search. There is a private match mode but if you don't have friends who have the game, you're pretty much out of luck as there are no bots to play with and there's no single player game (it's coming in an update later this summer).

Developer Gun Media is aware of the issue and have been working all day to fix it. It's unclear when the servers for the game will stabilize but hopefully, it'll be fixed this weekend.

Friday the 13th: The Game is out now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC for $39.99.