Summer Games Done Quick 2017 raises a record $1.7 million for Doctors Without Borders

From over 30K donors.

If you've been on the Twitch homepage at any point during the last week, chances are you noticed Summer Games Done Quick 2017 sitting in the featured window. The week-long charity event just wrapped up a record run, bringing in $1,761,155.79 across 30,055 individual donations, averaging $58.60 per. The biggest donation was a whopping $20,300 and the overall total topped last year's by over half a million dollars.

The charity even saw a variety of games old and new get beaten in record times, including NieR: Automata by Halfcoordinated, Half-life by alexh0we, and DOOM (2016) by TheFuncannon. For a full list on all of the speed runs, you can check out the official Games Done Quick website here

Games Done Quick will return in Winter 2018 with Awesome Games Done Quick. The dates have yet to be announced.

Sources: [Games Done Quick, Polygon]