Over One Million Internet Users have seen 1K Project II video!!

Over One Million Internet Users have seen 1K
Project II video!!
TrackMania, the game made by the French studio
Nadeo has already captivated millions of players with the incredible fun
brought by its wild races and crazy racetracks. TrackMania has also reached
its fame because of the creation tools included in the game: its famous tracks
editor has allowed players to create dozens of thousands of original
racetracks that can be exchanged through Internet.

Among TrackMania’s creation tools, there’s the Mediatracker that offers the
possibility to make your own movies and encode them in High Definition. This
has become extremely popular for players. Thousands of videos made by the
players are now circulating on the Internet thanks to some websites like
Youtube or Rapidshare.

TrackMania videos go beyond the bounds of players’ community, with their
stunning aspect given by their talented non professional directors. A major
car company recently broadcast a TV ad (for the European launch of their
brand-new car) which is highly inspired by videos and stunts made by
TrackMania players.

But the most astonishing thing is undoubtedly all the buzz created around the
1K Project II, a video brilliantly made by a French player known as Blackshark.
He combined 1000 replays to build up a video featuring thousand cars on a
single track. The result is so amazing that this video currently knows a great
success on the internet: more than a million of internet users have already
seen it on GameTrailers, the American website hosting the video.

Check out the 1K Project II video on Gamestrailers.com

TrackMania Official Website