The next installment in the critically acclaimed “State of Decay” franchise immerses you in an all-new, multiplayer zombie survival fantasy. Build a lasting community, working with other players or solo to overcome challenges while exploring your own unique story in a world that remembers the choices you make. NO ONE SURVIVES ALONE.
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Duke Nukem 3D Hitting XBLA in September?
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OXM teased readers in their latest issue that the PC classic, Duke Nukem 3D could be hitting XBLA in September. While I was a little skeptical at the date, it seems that OXM might have been right. In an interview with Xbox rep, Jason Ing, Joystiq learned that while it's not set in stone, we could be reliving 1996 at some point next month.
In an interview with Xbox representative Jason Ing, it was revealed to Joystiq that Duke Nukem 3D, developed by 3D Realms, has passed certification and is expected to release "sometime in September." The Xbox Live Arcade revival, which sports the same minimal graphical enhancements as Doom did on the service, is being published by Microsoft and is an exclusive release for the platform. -- Joystiq
I don't know about anyone else but I'm seriously hyped for this game. Online co-op, deathmatch, and strippers. How can you go wrong with that cocktail of greatness? I remember playing the PC version for hours in my parent's basement, and I can't wait to play the XBLA version for hours - in my parent's basement.