Featuring vibrant anime-style 3D graphics, “Tsunami 2265” hurls the player into an intriguing tale, rich with dramatic twists and turns. The story is structured to create a perfect mix between hectic and destructive shoot’em up sections, and intriguing arcade phases.
During the adventure phases, players control either of two main characters, Naoko Hikari and Neon Shima, leading them inside secret military bases held under tight surveillance. With the aid of their most powerful Mech, players must reveal the secret that hides behind E.L.EN.A., a mysterious source of energy and untamed power.
The shoot’ em up sections immerse the player in thrilling battles where speed and piloting skills are essential to survive enemy attacks. Every level entails a myriad of objectives related to the story-path, all necessary for the completion of the mission. The well-structured story reveals itself step by step with every mission. And, during gameplay, vividly animated sequences narrate the events.
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