Red Dead Redemption 2’s latest trailer was captured on PS4

It wasn't on a PC!

A brand new trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2 dropped earlier today, bringing absolutely no release date with it and the hint that the leaked map from last year wasn't a fake. While that might be the big news, Sony is looking to piggyback off the Red Dead Redemption 2 hype with some new boasting rights.

The fairly well-composed trailer, seen above, was captured on PlayStation 4. Sony outright said it on Twitter while showing off a pretty compressed version on the trailer.

It's nice to see a trailer for a game being captured on a console instead of a super over powered PC.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is due for release in Spring 2018 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Some of the game's DLC will be exclusive to the PlayStation 4 for a set amount of time before hitting the Xbox One.