Yakuza: Like A Dragon Xbox Series exclusive for 6 months

A big exclusive launch title for Xbox

Sega has shared the revised release dates for Yakuza: Like A Dragon. According to the news, the RPG spin-off will now launch on November 10th on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series. The launch on Sony’s next-gen system, the PlayStation 5 on the other hand has been pushed far into next year when it’s slated to come out on March 2nd. In the meantime, check out this new absurd gameplay snippet where the player party is fighting against an excavator. No, you read it right.

The news that Yakuza: Like A Dragon is going to stay next-gen exclusive on Microsoft’s console is a pretty heavy hit for PlayStation. Sega’s Yakuza series has been pretty much synonymous with the PlayStation brand for more than a decade.

Just in recent years did Sega open up the over-the-top Japanese gangster franchise to additional platforms. Chief among them, the PC and Xbox. But no one would have anticipated that the Xbox would get preferred treatment over PlayStation.

But exactly that is now happening. The western release of Yakuza: Like A Dragon will stay almost half a year exclusive on the Xbox Series while PlayStation 5 owners will either have to stay patient or go for the current-gen version.

Microsoft has been traditionally lacking when it comes to featuring games that have Japan-centric themes and styles. JRPGs in particular have been home on PlayStation and the Switch for the longest time. it looks like Phil Spencer and his team have ambitious plans going into next-gen.

After the colossal upset that is the acquisition of ZeniMax which includes Bethesda, the timed exclusivity of Yakuza: Like A Dragon is just the next step in establishing the Xbox as the place to be and game for all types of gamers.