HOLLYWOOD, June 18, 2002 Looking to dabble in the glamorous world of
supermodels and high fashion? Youre in luck. now lets you assume
the role of an emergency room doctor in its latest scenario. Your charge? To
successfully diagnose and treat a fashion model who has collapsed on the runway
at a high-profile fashion show., an online medical simulation site, lets you snap on the gloves to
save lives: the virtual patient is in your hands. Players check the patients
symptoms, diagnose the problem, and apply appropriate treatment all online,
all free of charge and all without any real-world repercussions. is a product of Legacy Interactive®, the world leader in real-life
games for CD-ROM and the Internet.
Choosing from 35 actual medical tools and instruments and referencing a real
online medical database, players are challenged to diagnose and treat a fashion
model who has collapsed on the runway. The unusually thin patient is delirious,
has a rapid heart rate and appears malnourished. You must stabilize the
patient, determine the cause of the collapse and administer the appropriate
treatment. But, youd better think fast you are evaluated and scored based on
the results of your actions. now offers more than a dozen patients from which to choose, including
an anthrax case, a snowboarding accident, a race car crash, and the collapse of
an Elvis impersonator. Additionally, visitors can create their own cases using
the Case Creator function.
The game uses the latest Shockwave-Flash technology and is playable via most
computers and Internet browsers.
Commenting on the latest addition to ERsim, Legacy Interactive Chief Executive
Officer Ariella Lehrer said, "This new scenario takes a haunting look at the
price so many of todays young women pay to stay thin."
The world leader in Real Life Gamesœ, Legacy Interactive has sold more than
700,000 copies of its popular award winning Emergency Room® series that
includes: Emergency Room 2, Emergency Room Disaster Strikes, Emergency Room
Life or Death, Code Blue, Code Red, Emergency Room 3, Vet Emergency , 911
Paramedic, and
In May, Legacy Interactive shipped Combat Medic: Special Operations, the first
3-D medical military simulation for PC. This fall, the company will launch Law &
Order Interactive, based on the popular TV show. For more information, visit