Hideo Kojima Working on New “Adventure” Game with 5pb

Chiyomaru Shikura, the CEO of game and anime music publisher 5pb, is renown as being the world’s sexiest CEO in the gaming industry. What does this have to do with Hieo Kojima, you may ask? Absolutely nothing, but it doesn’t remove the fact that one of the industry’s brightest minds has teamed up with him to work on a brand-new “adventure” game.

Responsible for a number of visual novels including, Chaos;Head and the more recently released Steins;Gate, 5pb is mostly known for their work on bishoujo games. What does this mean for Kojima? Is he going to be making a new eroge (ero-game) entry in Metal Gear Solid series starring Otakon? No, not exactly. “With regards to the projects that I’m directly involved in, there’s the third entry in that science series, and the project with Konami’s Hideo Kojima. I think these are the two things that I should first put my full effort behind,” Shikura said in an interview with 4gamer.

“Kojima is making an adventure game?”

“Yes, Kojima said that he wanted to make an adventure game. We’re still at the level of ‘let’s lock ourselves away in the mountains somewhere and work on the plot,’ so the specifics haven’t been finalized.” Although it remains to be seen on whether or not this means a new entry in the Snatcher or Policenauts series, or a remake, one could always hope; and pray that it makes it here from overseas.

[source/translation provided by: Andria Sang]