Not to Be Outdone, Sony Announces PlayStation Move Numbers

We all know that when Sony talks about sales for anything PlayStation-related they often talk about units shipped, and that’s why we are still unimpressed. In other words, Sony is telling us that they have shipped 4.1 million units to retailers, not that 4.1 million units have been sold to PlayStation 3 owners. Those are two very different things. Who cares how many magic wand controllers Sony Computer Entertainment has sitting at Wal-Mart right now?

Meanwhile, Microsoft’s solution to motion controls, Kinect, has sold 2.5 million in 25 days. As far as we know, they are talking about actual units sold to Xbox 360 owners. I guess pimping it out on Oprah really did help Microsoft sell a $150 camera that sits on top of your TV.

Via Engadget Japan